
Book Club

Our book club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00. They read books from all genres and are open to suggestions for the next book!


Affirmed is our LGBTQIA+ ministry, meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:15. We provide ally training, education, and support. Recent speakers included a mental health professional, a trans activist, and an expert on local legislation. We also regularly do classes on “clobber passages,” clarifying what the Bible does (and does not) say about gender and sexuality. As a church, we encourage the respectful use of pronouns and names that people request. We have an annual pride service each June, and we have a booth and a float in the Knox Pride Festival and Parade each October. We also participate in Knox Pride Interfaith, a collaboration of religious groups who advocate for equality and safe spaces across the Greater Knoxville area.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

This fellowship program is designed to encourage relationship-building in small groups. We meet in groups of 6-10 in volunteers’ homes and share a meal and good conversation. The guest list is a surprise, so you never know who you will be sharing a meal with each time!

Linger Longer

Nothing says fellowship like good food! After worship on the second Sunday each month, we share finger foods and and desserts potluck-style. Plan to stay a little longer on these Sundays and get to know your church family!